The waiting game

Thursday, January 08, 2015

I have three more days until I depart for la France and the wait is becoming unbearable. I have a mixture of both excitement and sheer nervousness about my study abroad adventure. Of course I'm living in the present rather than the future. Well.... sorta.

I've been catching up in my Netflix binging. Right now, I've just finished watching every episode if Charmed. Mind you I started to watch the series in October, but eight seasons if TV is hard to do. It's no wonder they call them TV marathons. As hard as watching TV on the couch with my sister may be, watching my friends study abroad experiences start before mine has become more difficult than I expected. With being done with work, packing, and having said my goodbyes, I'm pretty much am just waiting for the day when I can get my passport out. The weather here hasn't helped much either. It's -40 degree windchill and the snow keeps on pulling up. The idea of going outside and venturing does not sound enticing one but. 
You can see why this is a waiting game for me. Social media hasn't been helping too much with my anticipation for travel. With everyone already gone, I am constantly being updated with people's adventures. Naturally, jealousy sets in. I wish my study abroad experience already started. I want to start my adventure! I want to discover the world! Questions such as why my study abroad experience being shorter than others has also started popping up into my head. What if there's not enough time to do the things I want to do? What will I be able to di? Will I make friends? Will I be studying ALL the time? 
You can see how hard the waiting game can be. Boring , tiring, and well lazy. I do admit that it's nice to have this time to myself before I go study abroad. I haven't had this long of a break from school since my summer break on highschool. My only worry (back then and now) was who I was going to hang out with the next day. 
So here goes for a couple more days of waiting. With the weekend coming up, I'm sure that the pace will quicken up. But until then it's time to relax and get as prepared as possible for my departure (how many to-do lists are too many to have?). And hopefully as my journey comes closer to a start, I can ease and become more relaxed. Afterall who wants to have reservations about going abroad? All that they'll do is hold me back. 

Until next time,

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