#Metoo: Why you should question your actions

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Image result for metooIt seems like every day there is a new name (or names) of people accused of sexual misconduct within the workplace. Since the Harvey Weinstein case broke out in October 2017, there have been over 50 public figures that have either been fired or called out for sexual misconduct (check source here).  It's scary to think about but the facts are a harsh reality of the world we live in today. Sexual misconduct is taking place all around the world and it is not just high profile people that are standing up. 223 women, including 60 current and former ambassadors, recently signed an open letter #metoonotsec accusing their industry of discrimination and harassment (check out article here).

The #metoo hashtag (which I talked about in a previous blog post ), has been a helpful tool to open up dialogues and create waves within the workplace in terms of what is and what is not appropriate conduct. As the unfortunate list rises of victims sharing their stories, it is important to use this time as a period of contemplation when it comes to our interactions with our co-workers, peers, and individuals.

For many of the accusers, the first statement that they have generally made was a state of shock.
"This has been a shock and it's been extremely humbling," said Minnesota State Senator to the New York Times (article here). While friends of the accusers, such as Roy Moore, typically brush away accusations because of their values and personal attributes.

The reality is this: sexual misconduct happens. No scratch that, it IS happening. Sure, you might not be grabbing at someone inappropriately at the office, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be evaluating your behavior towards others. Reflect on your behaviors towards others. Question yourself and others. If you sense something, say something. Did you just see a cute boy and want to holler across the street? Think about how you would feel if you were in their shoes and continue to evaluate your daily interactions so that you aren't that person that is sitting in HR now, or in ten years, being questioned for their behavior. Because the sad reality is that it could be your brother, sister, best friend, leader, or boss. So until this behavior stops, I will continue to write and write about why this behavior and actions need to stop.

Until next time,

Sabrina Kennelly

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