Its time for a change: Little Sisters Birthday

Friday, June 28, 2013

Who doesn't love birthday parties?!? I sure don't! I can't believe my little sister is now an adult (gasp). We found a great restaurant in downtown St.Paul on a rooftop ( which have seriously been my go-to places right now in the summer) for a great dinner and then walk around the town at night. It was by far a great summer night that I will always remember. Being with family is always one of the best things you can do. So take the time this week and do something you wouldn't typically do-like what my family did-go to a new restaurant and celebrate the milestones! Enjoy the pictures since each is worth 1,000 words! Can't wait to show you what else is coming your way this summer!


Look at the gazebo we found! I will definitely be back for a picnic this summer and a great bike ride (which I've had many lately)

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